The Bieber.
Justin Bieber dropped by TMZ Live yesterday to chew the fat. Says he's growing a "stache", beginning work on a new studio album for next year, talked about touring a bit, moving back to Canada and, oh yeah, he's recording a Christmas album. Ward, I'm worried about the Bieber!
Justin says the album will be a mix of traditional and original songs and recording should be finished within the week. Harvey Levin even tried to talk the Biebster into including a Chanukah song (I'm on board with that. Let's hope Justin took him seriously.). You can watch the entire interview for yourself here.
Justin is the latest in a long line of celebrity heartthrobs to both record Christmas records and have Christmas records recorded about them. I believe the first was "I Want Eddie Fisher For Christmas" by Betty Johnson (1954) and Lord knows Elvis and The Beatles had a ton. My personal favorite was last year's "Megan Fox For Christmas" by Lebon Lebon (although I don't think Megan's recorded any holiday tunes just yet).
Justin's tribute record from last year was "I Want Justin Bieber For Christmas" and the singer billed herself as All Things Nice. You can still pick it up on iTunes for just 99 cents. And, sure, I guess I could play that one for you now, but...well...I decided to go with this one instead.