"Sunday Morning Country Oldies" is a program that my oldest and dearest friend (and former college roommate) Stu Fink co-hosts with Michael Burns on Boston's WKLB, 102.5 FM.
It may have escaped your attention, but Christmas falls on Sunday this year. So, tomorrow from 8:00am to Noon (Eastern Time), Stu and Michael will be presenting an entire program--4 hours--of Country Christmas Oldies (or is that Christmas Country Oldies?). This is something they've never done before (so far as I know) and probably will never do again. It's not that they don't have the material. They've got a ton. And it's not that they don't have the knowledge. These are two of the most knowledgeable people in the industry. It's just that the regular audience for "Sunday Morning Country Oldies" isn't as in love with Christmas music as you and I. So, with Christmas falling on Sunday, they've got the opportunity to do this kind of a program without some of their regular listeners complaining that it's "too soon" to play Christmas music. And, trust me, if Christmas were Monday, some of those folks would still think Sunday was "too soon".
Now I don't know what all they'll be playing, but if you're worried that Michael and Stu might not have that rare Del Reeves Christmas album or that seldom heard Johnny Paycheck holiday 45 from the 60s, you can rest your weary head. They've got all that and more. Through the years, I've even supplied Stu with some nuggets from my personal holiday library. So rest assured, they are armed to the teeth with Country Christmas oldies. I know these guys. They'll do a kick ass show.
Stu has been a very good friend to me for more years than I can count (I've only got ten fingers and ten toes, so...longer than that). He and his lovely wife Pauline have put up with all my bul--I mean, all my nonsense for many many years (I can be pretty annoying; I'll bet you knew that). Stu has helped me with my vinyl and 78 transfers whenever I've asked, lent me the use of his home studio equipment, and even put in a call to the Boston record stores (really, there's only one that matters--Cheapo Records) whenever I'm desperately seeking a particular record. More than that, whenever I'm in Boston, I stay at Chez Fink. And, amazingly, he's still speaking to me. That's a small miracle (that Pauline is still speaking to me is probably a much bigger one).
So if you've enjoyed hanging at Stubby's, please do me a small solid and "tune in" to Michael Burns & Stu Fink as they present their holiday extravaganza, "Sunday Morning CHRISTMAS Country Oldies" on WKLB between 8:00am and Noon (Eastern Time) tomorrow morning. Presented in CinemaScope and Technicolor. I know Christmas morning is busy so I wouldn't ask you to listen to the full four hours. If you could just carve out a half hour somewhere, I'd be most appreciative. Just go to the WKLB web site and click on the "Listen Live" button on the right. I should probably warn you that this is commercial radio, though I don't know what kind of spot load they'll have on a Christmas morning.
Anyway, thank you and Merry Christmas.