![]() Michigan Roots artist Brion Riborn recorded his non-traditional traditional holiday songs back around 2008 and 2009, releasing the songs as a series of digital singles. But those singles have not been widely available except through his web site. Now a bit more established, Brion has released a pair of these (along with "Where Shadows Lie", a song he says is a Hobbit song) as a 3-song name-your-price download at Bandcamp. Better yet, the complete set of holiday tracks is available through Noisetrade. Brion's take on the holiday season is, like Michigan, more icy cold than celebratory. For example, in "I Still Haven't Found The Silent Night", after spinning through the original carol, Brion launches into a bit of U2's "Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For". It's chilling, pleading and desperate. Call it a Folk mashup, whatever you call it, it's effective. And, on Brion's "Forgotten Memories", he does much the same with "Auld Lang Syne", imploring us to "celebrate and remember. But don't look back, never look back." If you need an original Americana take on "Auld Lang Syne", grab Brion's at Bandcamp. Better yet, grab all of Brion's seasonal sides via Noisetrade. You'll even find "On Valentine's Day", there, for those who like to think ahead a bit.
![]() It's become one of our favorite holiday traditions, right up there with the Santastic series, and the 2012 Christmas album from Cigar Box Nation has finally arrived. This one's a huge mother--41 tracks in all, I think. Cigar Box Nation is an online community of musicians--professional and amateur--who prefer their music homemade and their instruments the same way. There's a long history of Cigar Box Guitar music in this country and these people keep that legacy alive. You don't need a Gibson or a Les Paul to make great music, so long as you've got an old cigar box and a couple of strings, you're golden. Of course, a lot of these cigar box instruments are a bit more elaborate than that--many electrified and what not. And the annual Christmas album features so many styles and sounds, that it's like opening the mystery present on Christmas morning, with plenty of oohs and aahs all round. In the best of years, it takes me a long time to get through an entire Cigar Box Christmas album. But a quick hop, skip and jump through "Cigar Box Christmas 2012" reveals plenty of great music, starting with the killer opening Blues number, "Cigar Box Santa" from Mark "Fat Max" Hill. Ledfoot T provides a beautiful folk song about the famous "Christmas Truce 1914" (not quite John McCutcheon, but very fine in it's own right). And there's a rather affecting story-song about the same event, "Le Miracle De Noel" from c# merle. "Snowflakes In The Misty Village" is a sweet and lovely, nearly ambient, old world folk instrumental from SUGIMUGI. "Meansleeves" from The Anonymous Pick is an all too brief Heavy Metal riff that sounds like it came from a lost Black Sabbath session. I very much enjoyed Captain Nemoff's "Welcome To My Kitchen" (some old time country blues, that) and, though this year's set is a bit light on straight up pop, there's one wonderful pop track from Neanderpaul, "Christmas Only Comes One Day Of The Year" that, having grown up a Bubblegum Child, would make this set worthwhile to me all by its lonesome. There's some classic Lo-Fi old timey, some simple heartfelt homemade seasonal tributes, some classic blues rock that sounds like Jimi Hendrix jamming with Eric Clapton, some stuff just for fun, and no doubt some you may regard as clunkers. In short, "Cigar Box Christmas 2012" is a surprise Christmas party in a zip, and everybody's coming. Download it free at Cigar Box Nation. ![]() Mark "Fatt Max" Hill..............CIGAR BOX SANTA Jim Junksville Sharkey.......JOLLY OLD ST. NICHOLAS Captain Nemoff......................GREAT CHANGE Bailey and Katfish.................AWAY IN A MANGER Jamie MacBlues...................SILENT NIGHT Leadfoot T...............................CHRISTMAS TRUCE 1914 SUGIMUGI................................SNOWFLAKES IN THE MISTY VILLAGE Uncle John..............................LOOKING OUT AT THE WEATHER c# merle..................................THE BALLAD OF BIG STEVE 407bug.....................................CHRISTMAS IS COMING ! RTZ GUITARS.........................JINGLE BELLS SLOWPAW STEVE T with the Middlesex County Itinerate Hobo Gospel Choir....I SAW THREE SHIPS FatBoy CooKen......................HOLIDAY CHEER Linda Lou................................WHAT CHILD IS THIS? Henry Strat-o-varius Lowman.............EADEM MUTATA RESURGO / SPIRITUS SANCTUS The Anonymous Pick............MEANSLEEVES Phillip Robert...........................HAPPY BIRTHDAY SANTA CLAUS Dribbling Sidney.....................GRACE Henry Strat-o-varius Lowman.............THE LITTLE DRUMMER BOY Habanera Hal..........................ODE TO JOY c# merle.................................. LA MIRACLE DE NOEL Captain Nemoff......................LET IT SHINE ON ME Uncle John..............................LITTLE TOY TRAINS Captain Nemoff......................WELCOME TO MY KITCHEN Blind Pomegranate Harrison-Smythe...... The Hogfather Brings Great A'Tuin A Present Mike "Katfish" Karash.........SILENT KNIGHT Clock and His Wily Wolf.......SANTA DRIVES AN OLDSMOBILE FatBoy CooKen.......................SANTA JAMS Calim.........................................PETIT PAPA NOEL Phillip Robert..........................(HE'S) COMING BACK AGAIN FOR CHRISTMAS W.M. Peterson.......................SANTA CLAUS Pinetree Joe...........................Deck the Halls (own lyrics) Calim.........................................L'ABOMINABLE HOMME DE NEIGHES Brickdust & Pyno...................CHRISTMAS CRACKER NEANDERPAUL.......................CHRISTMAS ONLY COMES ONE DAY OF THE YEAR JIM WOODS............................WATCHIN' OUT FOR SANTA Ben Kepler .............................CHRISTMAS COAL Cris Portillo Jr........................CHRISTMAS GHOST Brian Hunt...............................O HOLY NIGHT Mike Bingham.........................AULD LANG SYNE RTZGUITARS...........................THE SILENT CHRISTMAS ![]() 1. Silent Night - Green River Ordinance 2. Sleigh Bells & Reindeer - Act As If 3. Raise The Tree - Trent Dabbs 4. Home For The Holidays - Sugar & The Hi-Lows 5. Oh Holiday - Jules Larson 6. Auld Lang Syne - Ben Rector 7. Christmas For You And Me - Drew Holcomb 8. This Year - The Young International 9. Lo How A Rose E'er Blooming - Perrin Lamb 10. Under That Christmas Spell - Tim Halperin 11. Silent Night - Katie Herzig 12. Christmastime Again - Matthew Mayfield 13. Star Of Wonder - JJ Heller 14. Winter Lights - Saints Of Valory 15. Christmas Moon - Brooke Waggoner 16. You Make The Cold Disappear - Amy Stroup 17. What Child Is This - Future of Forrestry 18. Angels We Have Heard On High - A New Normal DOWNLOAD FREE AT NOISETRADE Here's an excellent free compilation that features a little bit of most everything brought to you by The Music Bed, a music licensing company catering especially to independent filmmakers and photographers. Plenty of Stubbys favorites on this one--Green River Ordinance, Drew Holcomb, Katie Herzig, and Sugar & The Hi-Lows to name a few. Loys of new discoveries for us all. It even has the title track from former American Idol contestant Tim Halperin's new EP, "Under That Christmas Spell". Really digging Amy Stroup's peppy poppy "You Make The Cold Disappear" and Brooke Waggoner's contemplative "Christmas Moon". Music licensing has always been a pretty big deal--even more so now, in this era of Indie. But, for most of us, "Fireplace Songs" is just a real cool selection of free Christmas music. And there ain't nothin' wrong with that.
![]() 1. Angels We Have Heard On High 2. Winter Eclipse 3. O Come O Come Emmanuel FREE FROM NOISETRADE FREE FROM BANDCAMP Can't exactly put my finger on it, but I love these guys. We dug Beta Radio last year when we came across "The Songs The Season Brings" (even if we were a bit late in bringing them to your attention). They've got a sweetness and a homespun simplicity that's missing from a lot of Indie Folk. But their sound is also very pop accessible. Heck, I can scarcely think of a radio format I wouldn't want to play these guys in. Damn, these cats are awesome. If anything, "The Songs The Season Brings, Vol. 2" is even more satisfying than Volume 1. "Angels We Have Heard On High" is darn near perfect. And, on their own "Winter Eclipse", Beta Radio gives you a taste of all they're capable of. You can find this wonderful slice of Indie Folk Americana free on Noisetrade or Bandcamp. And, if you missed "The Songs The Season Brings" (Vol. 1)", it's well worth the $3 price tag it now carries at Bandcamp. ![]() 1. DAD – Santa Clause 2. Samantha Crain – Breaking The Ice 3. Ryan Lindsey – I’ll Come Down Your Chimney 4. The Workweek – Perfect Time Of Year 5. Ben Kilgore – Christmas Eve Needs 6. Chrome Pony – Christmas Babes 7. Ol’ Savior – Winter’s Wild 8. Colourmusic – In a Sentimental Mood 9. Sherree Chamberlain – Christmas Time 10. Hector Comancho – Chris Cringle BLACKWATCH STUDIOS BANDCAMP Not far from the campus of Oklahoma University lies the Blackwatch Studios--recording some great Indie music in Norman, Oklahoma. Last year, in association with Fowler Volkswagen, Blackwatch Studios released an album of holiday tunes from Oklahoma artists. The music runs the gamut from fuzzy blues/rock to sweet pop to Indie folk/pop to Hip Hop. The fuzzy blues/rock comes courtesy of DAD whose "Santa Claus" will shake that dust off your hibernating Christmas spirit. The sweet pop comes courtesy of The Workweek who serenade this "Perfect Time Of Year". From Sherree Chamberlain comes "Christmas Time", a winning bit of Indie folk/pop that's tongue-in-cheek twee. And Hector Comancho Hip Hop's the hell out of "Chris Cringle". Every track's a winner, here. So grab "A Blackwatch Christmas" free, while you can, at Bandcamp and pick your own favorites. ![]() Every year, 'bout mid August (yeah, I'm that far behind), I check the web site for Jennie Stearns to see if maybe, possibly, hopefully (oh, pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease) she might be considering recording a seasonal song. But, no. No Christmas song from Jennie. Possibly never ever. Not her style, I guess. *sigh* But Jennie did have a link to a wonderful site with many free downloads, two of which were New Years songs. Radio Free Song Club is a collective of writers in search of good songs. They'll look everywhere and anywhere in search of that "one good song" because"the world is looking for a good song. Someone might get lucky." Radio Free Song then constructs a podcast when they can (perhaps monthly) featuring these new songs, plus interviews with the artists behind them. The music tends toward folk and Americana, and their approach is soft and personal. Anywho, the Radio Free people have the artists (more often than not) perform live in their studios (with theRadio Free All Stars) and, because we're talking about a real studio, here, the sound is very professional, yet intimate. They then offer up some of these songs as free downloads. For their constructed singles-looking art alone, you should check them out (I'm especially fond of the Curtom take-off). Anyway, scroll down a bit and you'll come to two songs with a New Years theme. ![]() First up is "Birds At The Feeder" from Kate Jacobs, a delicate number with plenty of metaphor. At core, it's about relationships. I'd call it alt folk, but you might very well conclude it's really straight-up folk. Kate's been writing and singing since the 80s and her most recent album, available through her web site, Amazon and other on-line retailers, is "Home Game", which features some hook laden Folk Pop and Indie Pop--really a very nice set. The second New Years freebie comes from Jay Sherman-Godfrey. "New Year's Here" is about the nature of marking time. Jay might best be known for the music made by his band World Famous Blue Jays who have done a couple of soundtrack albums. The one solo effort that shows up on Amazon is "Twoscore", which seems to be (on brief sampling) more of an electric Americana thing. And, if you can get beyond holiday music, there are certainly plenty of other free tracks, including music from Victoria Williams, Peter Holsapple, Freedy Johnson, Susan Cowsill, Laura Cantrell, Beth Orton and Wreckless Eric. Yes, even Jennie Lowe Stearns. Not bad. Not bad at all. |
The FREE ListHere we hope to direct you to some of the Christmas music on the web that can be yours absolutely free. We will not direct you to mp3 or sharity sites, here, but only to artist sites, label sites, and other authorized and unquestionably legal locations. ArchivesCategories