I could just as easily post this on the Essentials page (that poor, poor, neglected page). John Prine is, of course, a legendary artist and songwriter. He was Americana long before the term existed. And, although John released a full Christmas album in 1993, his self-penned "Christmas In Prison" was originally released on the album "Sweet Revenge" in 1973. If you weren't on the Christmas music hunt that long ago, you might now realize how few songs about Christmas were released in the decade following the JFK assassination (beyond your MOR artists like Bing, Perry and Andy). And it wasn't as if some AM Top 40 station was going to pull out a John Prine record and play "Christmas In Prison". Oh, hell to the no. But FM stations were just beginning to get adventurous with their Christmas music. And all the cool FM (and college radio) DJs had "Christmas In Prison" in their little tote bags of LPs
Just a long-winded (but important) holiday music lesson as a way of noting that John Prine's "Christmas In Prison" (the live version that appeared on "A John Prine Christmas") is available free through Noisetrade at the moment. Why, when I was young, we had to walk for twenty miles through the snow with no shoes to get to a record store and we'd have to chop wood for hours for the store to even let us look at a John Prine record. You kids, today--gettin' your music for free. Hey, you kids, get off my lawn! Yeah, well, aside from making me feel old that I remember 1973 so well, get John Prine's "Christmas In Prison" free at Noisetrade. It's an essential Christmas song for any holiday music collection.