Monkeys In Love are the UK band that impressed critics with their debut album "The Monkeys In Love Will Pet And Cuddle You" a couple of years back. These days, bands are really into coming up with a whole new genre name to describe their sound and I kind of like that because they know what they do and they're usually spot on about it. Monkeys In Love throw out a whole bunch of such terms, but the one I like is Junk Shop Glam. That really fits.
Their Christmas single, "Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas To You" is probably going to be one of those things you either love or hate and I came out on the love side. I only caught about half of the lyrics, honestly, though I think I'll get more after a few more listens. But, really, it's just that sound that I dig. Don't ask me why I dig the stuff I do. I just do.
"Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas To You" runs over 8 minutes and then ends as suddenly as The Sopranos. And it just works for me, musically. And, while there are certain mixtapes where this is precisely what is called for, I can't honestly say it put me in a Christmas mood. But.... there's something there and I'm drawn to it. And I can't help but wonder.....what kind of mind sits down and says "I'm gonna write a Christmas song" and this is what's in their head? I'm just really curious. Anyway, it's a free download via Soundcloud, at the moment, and there's still time before Christmas to blow someone's mind with this