"It's Christmas, Volume III" is the annual Philadelphia holiday collection, for which all proceeds go to support the ACLU. It's an assortment put together by Sure! (Will DeNola and friends) and contains mostly Pop, some of it lo-fi. The selections from Sam DeMartino and Molly Twigg are excellent, especially their cover of "Always Tomorrow" from the Rudolph soundtrack (there's one that doesn't get covered a lot), and Sure's "I Believe In Santa Claus" is worthwhile. But it's Sam DeMartino's solo effort, the Jangle Pop "Twinkle Lights" that's the standout of this collection. Can't really tell whether his lady love (the twinkle lights that complete his Christmas tree) is really coming home or if he's simply delusional, but let's not waste too much time over-analyzing a sweet and simple Yuletide love song that twinkles like the lights in it's title. "It's Christmas, Volume III", and it's two predecessors, are name-your-price at Bandcamp. And, just a reminder, any proceeds raised support the ACLU (and, boy, we need them now, more than ever; not for nothin', but they're putting numbers on the arms of asylum seeking children, now, before they ship them to that Texas concentration camp and we all remember the last time such a thing was done. I didn't use to be an "open borders" guy, but, in light of the inhumanity of Trump, I am now. I don't like to get political on a holiday music blog but this s#&! has gotten totally out of hand. These refugees and asylum seekers are better Americans than most of us will ever be, and Trump proves it every day.).
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