Back in 2015, being, uh, cash poor, they recorded a Christmas song (or 3) as a gift for the family. "Christmas Holidays" was something of a local hit. So they followed with "Christmas (I'm A Fan)" in 2016, which was their tribute to the Proclaimers. In 2017, it was "A Little Love For Christmas", reflecting Uncle Isaac's inability to get a date. Deciding that was a bit melancholy, The Brothers Fife went uptempo Folk Pop, this year, with "Wintertime Lovin'"--giving Isaac a full-on love story (the joke is they say they auditioned actors for the video in the belief that Isaac would not be convincing in a romantic lead).
So is Christmas music the only thing they've done? Almost. They recorded a sweet Valentine's Day single, "Young Lovers", earlier this year and are now plotting a soccer anthem for 2019. And things are definitely looking up for The Brothers Fife. They're actually playing out live, now, selling the maximum 50 tickets at The Dragonfly in Edinburgh. If you're in the neighborhood, they'll be back for shows on December 21 and 22, playing all their Christmas hits.
"Wintertime Lovin'" is backed by "Hey Santa (I'm In Love With Your Mrs.)", which is also fun. Name-your-price at Bandcamp and pick up the rest of The Brothers Fife catalog for the same.