santa, I guess I got swept off my feet
your hands were frozen but your beard was sticky sweet
you left me milk and cookies on the table in the den
now I'm waiting for December to bring you back again
"naughty little scorpio" you called me with a kiss
you put back on your mittens and you crossed me off your list
I helped you with your big black boots and heard you say goodbye
now I lay awake again and you're the reason why
Brush Yo Teef are a trio of friends from Vermont. And sick appears to be their stock and trade. "Waiting For December" is not available a la carte--you have to download all of "Gooey Gooey Gooey". On the bright side of that, I suppose, much of the rest of the set is sort of weird Halloween flavored stuff--"Monster Movie", "Zombie Friend", "Dr. Prankenstein". And it's all "name-your-price" at Bandcamp. Brush Yo Teef might not be for everyone, but I know there's a portion of my readership that's slightly warped (like a 45 vinyl record left in the hot sun too long) and those folks are gonna love it.