During one of my trips to Soundcloud, recently, I came across a stream for this song--"Christmas Card Blues" by Jim Nelson. And I just fell in love with it. It's a Swampy Blues Americana thing--the sort of song you might imagine the late Tony Joe White could have written and sung. I searched the Internets high and low, looking for someplace I could buy it, but came up empty. After more deliberation and self-flagellation than you'll ever know, I swallowed my embarrassment and sent Jim Nelson a message asking where I could buy "Christmas Card Blues". Message came back: Nope. Can't buy it. Not for sale anywhere and may never be. But, if you want, you can download it free of charge. And I believe he said he was "honored" that I liked his music (I may have imagined that part).
"Christmas Card Blues" has since been posted to ReverbNation and is free to download for all, along with what I believe is the rest of Jim Nelson's latest, "Fool On A Stool".
Jim Nelson is a retired math teacher from Wisconsin, believe it or not, who "finally" decided what he wants to be when he grows up...a musician. Music has been a hobby of his for the last 25 years or so, as he taught middle school kids about math in the daytime and played solo and in bands in his free time. "I want to spend my retirement traveling around and making music full-time for people who want nothing more than to be together and have a good time!" Jim's music is a mix of Americana and Classic Rock. Check out the music of Jim Nelson on Soundcloud, pay the man a visit at his web site, and download "Christmas Card Blues" (and some other real nice stuff) at ReverbNation.