Do you remember that great Indie Pop Christmas song from about 5 years ago, "Our Favorite Christmas Movie"? That song, which I still believe will be one of the survivors when future Christmas music historians dig through the mountains upon mountains of new Christmas songs written and recorded in the last decade, was from Ian McGlynn. McGlynn had a full Christmas EP that year, "North Pole Vault", which exhibited much of the same charm. And, prior to "Our Favorite Christmas Movie", McGlynn had popular seasonal Indie releases with "Listen To The Choir Sing" in 2009 and "The Snow Angel And The Icicle Sword" in 2010. Really, McGlynn's sound and writing style kind of lends itself to holiday music. But, if there was a follow-up to "North Pole Vault", I must have missed it.
Well, Ian's back! This time paired with Lisa McGlynn (who, as I lack specific knowledge, I'm going to guess is his wife). The McGlynns' "Christmas On The Lake" is a wonderful Christmas song which sounds like a cross between a Christmas classic like Bing or Andy might have done and "Stop The Cavalry" (or something similarly 80s and British). As I began work on the Stubby's mix several days ago, I just blindly and randomly tossed tunes on a disc to listen to in the car. I had no idea who or what this was when it played, but it felt instantly Christmasy.
Alas, The McGlynns' "Christmas On The Lake" does not have a spot on the Stubby's mix at present (it's one of several bubble tunes, but the bubble's getting small), so, if you like it and want it for your personal playlist, I highly recommend grabbing it from Noisetrade ASAP.