Arman Ayva is a business analyst by day. But he's many other things as well. And though photography would seem to be his passion, he's been messing around with the musics as well. See what happens when you elect a Donald Trump?
My take--based upon an admittedly small sampling--is that Ayva is, so far, still experimenting with sound. Odds are this is all computer generated. But, just as photography is largely a matter of "composition", so is music (obviously).
Ayva currently has three Christmas themed tunes posted on his Soundcloud feed and I do not at all get the impression that's he's done. Of the three, this is the one that tells me there is, in fact, potential, here. "Welcome To My Christmas Party" is part funk, part EDM, and part goof. "Feliz Navidad" starts out quiet Jazz, then switches to full EDM mode. But "Oh Christmas Tree X2" is a fully original Jazz piece. And it works and clearly required some thought and the ear of someone attuned to the genre, albeit at the avant garde end of the scale. I've listened to it more than a few times, now, and I'm still digging it. It doesn't present as terribly Christmasy, but it makes my cut as Jazz. "Oh Christmas Tree X2" and Arman's other Christmas tracks are available as free downloads via Soundcloud.