So I got an email the other day and I honestly hadn't had time to read it until just now. And Louis points me to Randi Fay. Randi's a Green Bay, Wisconsin artist noted for Blues and Jazz, primarily. She's won the WAMI (no, seriously--Wisconsin Area Music Industry--WAMI) two years in a row as best Jazz artist. She just released this gorgeous tune, "Little Babe", which is a song that attempts to capture Mary's view of this little miracle she'd carried for 9 months and the world, which of course is different now, immediately after the birth of Jesus. And when I say "little miracle", I don't even mean that in the sense of "virgin birth" and all that. All children are miracles. Just sayin'. Neither a religious or political view on my part, I promise.
The song is just beautiful. I'd have to believe, as Randi wrote this, that she is, herself, a mother. And, as I was typing that, I checked her web site and she's not only a mother, but a grandmother. Respect.
"Little Babe" is nearly 7 and a half minutes long and not nearly long enough. Best of all, it's FREE! But wait... I look over to the right on Randi's music page and she's got an entire Christmas album, "Noel" (from 2011). Dang it, Louis. What are you doing to me? Another Christmas album I'm gonna have to buy? I hate you, Louis. I really really hate you right now. (Nah! Just kidding)
Head on over to Randi Fay's web site to grab the free download of "Little Babe" just for signing on to the mailing list. Stay long enough to check out "Noel", too (it's here). And, if you're paying attention, there's another free Christmas song for you. Nope, not even gonna tell you which one it is.