Loop Line is the Minnesota/Arizona Indie Rock band that likes to drop off a Christmas song almost every year. The internets make such a collaboration possible. I think I first learned of them with the 2014 Dream Pop single, "Lights On The Tree". Then, last year, they blew us all away with the Power Poppy "Christmas In Space". But I don't know that I was aware of the 2012 single, "We Know Santa's Real"/"I Want A Surfboard (For Christmas)", which is roughly in the same Surf Rock vein as this year's tune, "Christmas In July (In December)". They're all free, so there's no time like the Christmas present to catch up at Bandcamp.
Never been to Arizona, personally. But I did spend a couple of weeks in Minneapolis in July of Godonlyknows what year. And, trust me, there's no surf, sun and sand in Minneapolis in December. Nor even July, really. Minneapolis is a very cool city. But its a very cool city, if you catch my snow drift. Just sayin'. Because of their annual heaps of snow, Minneapolis has actually developed a city where, for the most part, you can get where you need to go without ever going outside. Everything, in the downtown district I was in, is connected. Loved that about the place. Anyway, grab "Christmas In July (In December)" from Loop Line and enjoy.