So today, for example, I came across a Country freebie that was OK; really liked the voice, the lyrics were so-so and really depressing. Then I came across a tune that was labeled Jazz but was really more of a Pop tune--Smooth Jazz at best. And it was OK, but, eh, wasn't really feeling it. And then I found this one. And--don't ask me why--it connected.
Skazka Project is Joe Webb, who lives near Nottingham in the UK. He's spent some time in bands there but, of late, hasn't had the time to be a full time musician. But you can't just shut off creativity. So, in his spare time, he plays around, recording "demo sketches" at home on Ableton Lite--the most basic Ableton software music sequencer and digital audio workstation (which, as it happens, was included free with Joe's microphone purchase). Skazka Project gives Joe the opportunity to do two things on his off days from work--learn home recording and tinker with song ideas. He freely admits that the songs on his Soundcloud page are just the audio equivalent of an artist's sketch pad; there's no Mona Lisa, here, but there may be the beginnings of one. Not to shoot so high for Joe but, as I say, I really connected with this song, "Christmas Eve In Cornwall".
I dunno. It's seemed to me for some time like, musically, the Brits have a better handle on Christmas music than we Yanks. You have to admit, they do "Big" better even than Phil Spector. But they also do "quiet" and "simple" better than we do. "Christmas Eve In Cornwall" has that contemplative late night snow flurry mood down. I'm calling it Ambient Folk, myself. And I like it. It's new this year and it's free to download at Soundcloud.