JEMS are three Californians who write songs and make gorgeous music. The name is drawn from their names--Jessica Rotter, Emily Colombier, and Sarah Margaret Huff. There are four different versions of "High For The Holidays" by JEMS. The one on Amazon is the version with the Rap break from Harry Mack and the brief use of the "F" word towards the end of the song. There's also a clean version with Harry Mack and both explicit and clean versions without him. We've used the clean version without Harry. Why? Because Bandcamp's stupid preview embeds go automatically into the next song unless you use the last song. I really don't get that. Seems completely unnecessary and fixable. Anyway, buy the track that suits your taste or need or get the whole bunch on Bandcamp (psst, buy the tracks individually and save...unless you're high, in which case go ahead and pay nearly $2 per track). You know I'm not big on the goof. But when the goof is legitimately funny and wrapped in a beautiful package...why, yes, thank you, I'll take a hit. "We don't need reindeer to get to the sky/We know why Santa has a twinkle in his eye/Come fill my stocking with the good stuff, big guy/Merry Christmas to all and to all a good high".

French Punk meets American Pop Rock in Quebec. No clue what they're saying, though I gather its about how expensive the holidays are. But, hey, I dig the sound and there's a cat in the video. So there you go. And, also, it's free! Well, it is right now. "Noel C'est Poche" by Abdominable shows an official release date of December 1, so might be it's only free until then. Since (even after two years of French in school) I don't speak the language, I can't honestly be certain that "Noel C'est Poche" is irreverent, but it's Punk...so it's bound to be. Right? Pick up Abdominable's Christmas single free (technically Donne-moi ton prix) from Bandcamp.