Anyone who has had a computer die on them probably understands that I feel like I'm having to learn everything from scratch, all over again. Software you trusted for years they either don't make anymore or they "improved" it (i.e. it no longer works). And I was so close to being done with the Stubby's House mix. Oh, I backed up enough that I'm determined to finish it before Christmas. It's just that what would have taken me maybe 6 more hours will probably now take me 6 days. Maybe. I dunno. Maybe I'm a fast learner. Eh, probably not. But, by God, it will get done, even if it's for Christmas in July.

I can't give you the track-by-track, but I will tell you that "Fruitcake For Christmas" by Jim Morris was one of my two favorites. My other favorite was Ben Knight's Home Alone inspired "The Lament of Kevin McAllister". There's some excellent Country Blues from Buggy and from Andries D. Eker. Cause The Blue Rat's "Christmas Party Every Day" is Electric Blues a la Fred Schneider of the B-52s. Cliff Wayne's "Cigar Box Heroes at Christmas" has the feel of 50s Rock n Roll. RTZGuitars' "We'll Dress The Tree" is sweet Folk. I loved the old time Country trip of "Reindeer Tracks" from Tory, Troy and Claudia Eckstein. And you know you can count on great music from Cigar Box Nation Christmas regulars Skeesix and Darren Rose. So go grab yourself a handful of homemade Christmas. It's free. Head to Cigar Box Nation to download "Cigar Box Nation Christmas 2018".
02. Bells on Christmas Eve.....................DEREK ROSE
03. Christmas Party Every Day................CAUSE THE BLUE RAT
04. Christmas Special.............................LOU and DEB LaMANNA
05. Fruitcake for Christmas.....................JIM MORRIS
06. Cigar Box Heroes at Christmas...........CLIFF WAYNE
07. Reindeer Tracks.................................TORY, TROY AND CLAUDIA ECKSTEIN
08. Christmas on Mars.............................DEREK ROSE
09. Across the Snowy Field......................HENRY LOWMAN
10. Coming Home For Christmas...............ANDRIES D. EKER
11. Green Smoke.....................................SKEESIX
12. Lightning In My Egg Nog ...................CLIFF WAYNE
13. Melody for the Tree............................BLUE FROG
14. Santa Blues.................................,......BUGGY
15. It's That Time of Year ........................GLENN KAISER
16. Ave Maria, where ya been so long?......RICHARD LEWIN
17. Christmas Wish...................................CLOTTO
18. December...........................................HENRY LOWMAN
19. The Lament of Kevin McCallister...........BEN KNIGHT
20. Christmas Song...................................SINGLE STRING SIDESHOW
21. Picking out a Tree................................RICHARD LEWIN
22. We'll Dress The Tree............................RTZGUITARS
23. Season's Carol.....................................ANDRIES D. EKER
24. Little Drummer Boy..............................SINGLE STRING SIDESHOW
25. We Wish You a MerryXmas...................MARKUS GAISER
26. Santa Watches You (Everyday).............JAMES CONDER
27. Silent Night Instrumental......................GLENN KAISER