Vista Blue is a Nashville based band, though they have roots in New Orleans and ties to Cincinnati as well. The members of Vista Blue have also played in bands like the Loblaws, the Robinsons, and Second Saturday. At the time we talked about their 2016 Christmas EP, "Check It Twice", they were being labeled Pop Punk, but "1621" is more Power Pop. They are a go-to band for holidays (and baseball), having also released a Christmas EP in 2017, a Halloween record earlier this year, and now this Thanksgiving single. And, not to worry, we're assured Vista Blue will not only have a new Christmas EP later this year, they'll be releasing a Christmas CD (collectors everywhere rejoice). And, for those who treasure their vinyl, Vista Blue does have a blue vinyl 12" collection called "Seasons" (which collects up their baseball and other sports-related material, plus some additional treats).
"1621" is super cool in so many ways. Of course it rocks, for starters. It's kind of a mini-rock opera...3 parts in one 4 minute song. Most Thanksgiving songs struggle to say anything original. It's all just basting the turkey and...thanks. "1621" tells the true Thanksgiving tale in a way you've never really thought about. They opening section is "They Stole Our Corn". Yeah, betcha never thought of Thanksgiving from that angle. The Native Americans come back to their home to find Pilgrims not only squatting on their land, but raiding the food they'd laid up for the winter. "We'd like to be friends with our new neighbors, but they stole our corn". "Plymouth Rock!" is the chewy instrumental center. The final piece of "1621" is "Massasoit Crashed the Party". Now, see, we get an actual history lesson in this song (well...possibly strike the word "actual"). If I ever knew who Massasoit was, I'd long forgotten. Massasoit was the Native American leader who befriended the settlers. He'd warn them if any of the other tribes were planning an attack and helped maintain peace between the Native Americans and the Pilgrims for many years. What I do remember being taught in school was that Pilgrims and Native Americans celebrated the first Thanksgiving together. Well, Vista Blue offers an alternative view of history--that the Pilgrims were having a party and Massasoit just crashed it, and brought all his Native American friends with him. "We really didn't want them there, but what else could we do. It's like when Peppermint Patty brought Franklin and Marcy, too." Like "Paradise by the Dashboard Light", the song ends with each party singing their part into the fade--"They stole our corn" vs. "Massasoit crashed the party."
Anyway, I don't know if anyone's ever attempted a THanksgiving mix (I assume someone has) but, in the future, no such mix could be considered complete without Vista Blue's "1621". It's free at Bandcamp. More Vista Blue on the Free Page, today.