1. It's Christmas in Lumania 2. Down by Candy Cane Lane 3. Horny at the Holidays 4. Hanukkah at Our House 5. Kwanzaa's Here Again 6. Why Mommy, Why Do You Cry? 7. Santa's Gone on Strike 8 It's Christmas Time and I Am Not with You 9. Jesus Is Groovy 10. I've Got Some Presents for Santa 11. The Angel of Death Is Near 12. I Am a Flying Reindeer 13. Christmas Is Coming Better Start Running 14. Silent Night Holy Newt |

Actually, I suspect you all know that Barnes & Barnes are actually Bill Mumy ("Lost In Space") and childhood friend Robert Haimer. For years, they made their goofy little recordings with no intention of sharing them with the world. But Bill was a fan of Doctor Demento and convinced Robert to pick out a few favorites to see if the Doctor would be amused. He was and from that first group of tunes, "Fish Heads" became a demented standard. That was in 1978. So it's only taken them 40 years to get around to doing a Christmas album.
Either Barnes & Barnes are losing their touch or I'm losing my mind, but I found "Holidaze In Lumania" to be very listenable and enjoyable. And you know I'm not big on the goof. Mind you, "Holidaze In Lumania" is perfectly demented. In it's way, it's one of the sickest records you'll ever hear. But the thing about most "sick" records is that it always seems like someone is trying too hard. Barnes & Barnes achieve socially unacceptable mental illness with the ease of recliner aerobics. Crankin' out 14 carols of depravity is just another day at the rubber room for that pair. They take on all musical styles and leave no holiday unscathed.
I can't pick out highlights or even songs I hate because it's all remarkably good (I am losing my mind). There's the brilliant Gospel parody, "Jesus Is Groovy" ("Jesus is not only groovy, he's bitchin' and fab. Yeah."). I'm taking "Down By Candy Cane Lane" as a shot at all those sing-songy Pop Christmas songs (I'm looking at you, Hillary Duff) with inane lyrics that do little more than rhyme...inanely ("My girlfriend's quite the looker/That's why she is a hooker/Seven people took her/Down by Candy Cane Lane"). "I Am A Flying Reindeer" sounds to me like a poke at Eric Clapton and other Classic Rockers. "Horny At The Holidays" is a direct attack on bad Christmas Hip Hop. "Santa's Gone On Strike" is like a twisted retro Uke Pop parody of "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" ("He's tired and he's cranky/He wants to lose some weight/He's been shot at, he's been tasered/Most the elves he hates"). They even take a shot at Mumy's own "I've Got Some Presents For Santa"; sung by Sarah Taylor, it's a sexy single-entendre Jazz number but, with the male vocals, here, it's just perverted and awful...yet, somehow, awfully funny.
Barnes & Barnes do a Hanukkah tune the way no one else would dare and they do the Kwanzaa song you always secretly wished someone would ("Let loose, don't hold back/You don't have to be black/Kwanzaa's here again"). And, of course, what would Christmas in Lumania be without a heartfelt rendition of "Silent Night, Holy Newt" ("Round yon fish heads, pizza faced child")?
As I said, "Holidaze In Lumania" is remarkably listenable. Let me put it to you this way. I listened to Bill Shatner's record once, then found a cut or two I could listen to more than the once. I've listened to "Holidaze In Lumania" twice through, now, and can't wait to spin it again. No offense, Mr. Shatner; we'll always have Star Trek. So far, Barnes & Barnes' Christmas album isn't on Amazon...just iTunes and CD Baby, and it's digital only (so far). Additionally, you'll see a release date of October 29 on it, but all signs say this was actually released November 17 (not a big deal, but I feel better knowing it didn't slip by me for over 2 weeks). If you like a little crazy in your Christmas, some heterodox for your holiday, a spot of weird in your winter, the unusual for your Yuletide, celebrate "Holidaze In Lumania" with Barnes & Barnes. Available for girls and boys, both good and bad. Mental health not required, psychiatric therapy not included.