Mrs. Katz (not her real name) was an indoor/outdoor. In addition to being beautiful, she was incredibly smart and incredibly loyal (more than one neighbor noted that she followed me around like a puppy dog). She loved sunsets and always took time to stop and smell the roses (well, we don't actually have any roses, but she always enjoyed smelling whatever those flowers are that we do have). In her prime, she was about the fastest thing on four feet I've ever seen and she was the unquestioned Queen of the Neighborhood. It's said that cats have nine lives and Mrs. Katz (not her real name) had more than her share; I had counted her out more times than I can remember (hit by cars, shot by BB guns, poisoned by assholes...she was a regular Rasputin).
Her final descent seemed brief. She stopped eating and drinking Thursday. On Friday, she curled up in a corner, where she stayed (changing positions occasionally) until she passed. She gave no indication of being in any pain. She did not cry. I've had a lot of cats in my life and they tend to die all stretched out, their spines straight. Mrs. Katz (not her real name) was still mostly curled up when she died. Because it comforts me, I'm going to take that to mean that she died in her sleep.
Note: The portrait just above was done by Claire Bowman of The Bowmans. It was a perk of their Kickstarter campaign for "Make Sure The Snow Falls". Mrs. Katz wasn't particularly a fan of my Christmas music obsession, but she insisted I pledge enough to qualify for the portrait. Well, she didn't so much insist.... She hit the mouse and placed the order when I wasn't looking. It's true; that really happened.
While I mourn, it may be a few days before I post again. But I shall return.