I was kind of wondering...what happens to all that Christmas music that gets recorded but never released? For example, I know Michael Jackson was working on a Christmas single a few years before he died. Same thing with Ray, Goodman and Brown--they were in the midst of recording a Christmas album when Al Goodman passed in the summer of 2010. Al was quite excited about the album, too. I realize there might be some issues of "bad taste" to release such things immediately after an artist dies. But then what? I was really looking forward to that Ray, Goodman & Brown Christmas record. Oh well.
Anyway, Brian Blume has got a Kickstarter campaign going on and, just a few days in, he's nearly at his goal. So I present this to you less as a plea for dough and more as something to look forward to hearing this season. Brian's an Indiana native and very accomplished on the vibraphone and marimba. But, listening to the clip, this sounds like some pretty awesome Ambient music. Not saying that's all it'll be, but this bit, at least, sounds pretty cool. So check out Brian's Kickstarter campaign for "Let It Snow" and maybe you'll want to chip in to reserve your copy. And there was something about cookies, too, IIRC.