I've been exhausted, lately. I worry about how much that's affected my writing, here. I only managed a couple hours of sleep, last night. And the only reason I didn't just surrender to a few more hours in bed is the number of "questionable" players on my Fantasy Football roster (it's nearly playoff season, you understand; priorities). So my ass was truly dragging. Sofia brought me back to life.
I approached "Poem At Year's End" with a measure of skepticism. I wasn't planning to front page it, certainly. She won me over with the opening line: "The last of autumns leaves are falling from the tousles of your hair." The music floated like a late autumn/early winter breeze, the harmony vocals were whatever lies beyond lovely, and I'm a sucker for cello (provided here by David Floer). The poem (for it is most definitely a poem) conveys perfectly the passage of time and the music conveys a sense of weariness of past trials and hope for renewal. "Let Christmas light the darkness and guide us through the night/Till we step out in the new year, new as the morning light." My only disappointment was that "Poem At Year's End" didn't go on for much longer. I just wanted to wrap myself in that sound and feeling and hibernate until January.
Sofia's Christmas music and I go way back. I may have mentioned that here once or twice. It's been amazing to watch her continually get better as an artist (even as I seem to be falling apart), to watch her experiment with different sounds and styles and then incorporate them into the whole, like seasons passing. As "Poem At Year's End" at least implies, we are, basically, like the trees. There are seasons where it's pretty good to be a tree, and there are seasons which are harsh. Through it all, we continue growing and adding layers. And there will be more seasons to come, both good and bad, and that's strangely comforting (in a "we'll get through this in spite of ourselves" kinda way).
Certainly, last year was a harder one for me than this one. And, certainly, others are right now going through trials and tribulations greater than any I've yet faced. But no life and no year is without struggle. Whatever it is, know that spring and summer will come again.
"Poem At Year's End" by Sofia Talvik is available as a free download from Bandcamp. And you should know that no Christmas music collection is complete without Sofia's album from last year, "When Winter Comes".
Sofia's been touring a lot, lately--even over here in America (oh, did I forget to mention she's Swedish?). And someone uploaded to YouTube a recent performance of "A Berlin Christmas Tale", which has always been one of my favorites. So, if you'll indulge me...because, "Baby, It's Christmas..."