The thing about searching the web for free Christmas music is that, sometimes, you don't find them for years. "Beneath The Mistletoe" from Ali Handal was released in 2009, but here I am just finding it now.
Importantly, though, Ali is currently offering a free CD and all you have to do is ask (and pay the shipping costs). This is a new way artists are trying to get their music out there, figuring that, once you hear them, you'll become a fan. I've taken part in a few of these free CD offers and--they're right--I've become a fan of those artists. If nothing else, you get good music in hard copy form for less than the price of a digital download. "Make Your Move" is the CD in question here and is considered one of Ali's best. It includes her delicious cover of "My Sharona". It doesn't include "Beneath The Mistletoe", but that one really wouldn't fit the rockin' motif of "Make Your Move" anyway. If you're interested, you've only got a few days left (offer expires Wednesday, July 11, at around 5 pm, if my math is any good). Head here and follow directions.
Now, back to "Beneath The Mistletoe". Before this latest trend of offering up free CDs, many Indie artists would put together their own sampler package and make those available for free download. Ali's got one of those. 13 tracks in all, with track 13 being "Beneath The Mistletoe" (you can download just the songs you want or a zip containing all 13...your choice). And it only took me 9 years to find it!
Aside from Ali's Christmas song, free music, and highly accessible and funky Rock music, there's another reason I'm drawn to her. She loves cats! What are the odds, right? Track 10 on Ali's sampler is "Indy", written in honor of her cat at the time, who was named after Indiana Jones (for you trivia buffs). Indy the cat has since passed away and Ali has reworked the song to be a bit more generic. It's now known as "I Love My Pussy Cat" (and appears on the album "That's What She Said"). First time I heard "I Love My Pussy Cat" (and before I knew the legend of Indy), I was expecting some crude Rock double entendres. But, no, it's just a loving tribute that any cat lover will appreciate. Below is the tune from YouTube. You'll note that new cat Shen does not appear thoroughly enthralled or enthused. Cats are like that. Mrs. Katz (not her real name), who has to be at least 18 now, won't even let on that she misses me when I'm gone anymore. I come home from a trip to the store or whatever and she gets up and nonchalantly walks in the opposite direction. But I know she loves me. Maybe she's just pissed I haven't mentioned her here lately. Anyway, here's "I Love My Pussy Cat", followed by "All The Way" (so you can hear Ali rock out).