You know I love my Christmas music from faraway lands. But what about Hanukkah? When it's Hanukkah, it's Hanukkah all over the world. Are there foreign Hanukkah songs (you know, other than in Israel)? Or, at least, are there World Music sounds of Hanukkah? Not really that much, though I'm always looking. And I'm not talking about Klezmer, which is clearly World Music; I'm looking for some nice Indie Pop or Rock or Blues from...France or Italy or Japan or Brazil. Heck, I'd settle for some Hanukkah Folk from England. Somehow, Hanukkah music mostly seems confined to American and Isreali musicians. Why is that? Somebody work on that, please.
Normally, I turn to Israel for (to me) exotic yet contemporary sounding Hanukkah music, but I'm coming up fairly dry this year (of course I really haven't had the time to look much). This doesn't really fit the theme, tonight, but it is new and it is from an Israeli band (or at least their label is based in Jerusalem). As it was released December 3, it took me a couple of days to find it. The Faithful Anonymous is a new band and I can't really find anything about them on line (what part of "Anonymous" don't you understand?), but "Dreidel Memories" is a pretty cool song--sort of Indie Pop Rock, I guess--and it's available via Amazon. Not exotic, but a definite score for a Hanukkah hound.
"Hashem Melech" ("The Lord Is King") isn't really a Hanukkah song, but it is a popular song on Hanukkah playlists in Israel (if for no other reason than you can dance to it). Israeli artist Gad Elbaz recorded the song in 2013 and revisited in in 2016. In the latter version, he's joined by American rapper Nissim Black. You can get the 2013 version of "Hashem Melech" here and the 2016 version here.
Gad Elbaz did release a song last Hanukkah which is much more of a Hanukkah song as it speaks of "candles in the night" that "celebrate the light". But "Shine On" is also a song that's appropriate at any time of year as it speaks to the pride and perseverance of the Jewish people. Elbaz is joined on the record by The Holocaust Survivor Band--a group formed by actual Holocaust survivors (and the daughter of one)--and the video is especially poignant for it's opening. "Shine On" is available at Amazon.