The Holiday Magic program began in 2003 when Jeff Gelder was tasked with developing an idea that would help enhance his community. The program was an instant success and has expanded every year. And, every year, more and more hospitals request to be included.
For each $10 donated, a child in a hospital receives a "Holiday Magic" CD of their very own. The CDs, themselves, feature a full holiday story woven through the songs and poems and other fully recorded CD ready submissions from people everywhere. The running story features professional voice artists who donate their time and talent to help brighten the holidays for sick children and their families. I believe the submission period for this year has closed, but its never too early to start planning for next year.
Right now, it's your financial donations the Children's Holiday Magic Project needs. The more they raise, the more cheer can be delivered to hospital bound children this holiday season. No contribution is too small. You can donate via Paypal or you can mail a check. Get all the details at the Holiday Magic web site.
Children’s Holiday Magic Project, Inc.(CHMP) is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation.