1. Turn Off The Sun
2. In The Bleak Midwinter
3. Coventry Carol
4. Sweet Bells
5. O Come O Come Emmanuel
So, here it is...Christmas Eve...and I see this collection of Christmas songs from Captives On The Carousel (see here and here for a few of our thoughts). The Sheffield Folk duo make music the old fashioned way...simple and sweet...gorgeous and glorious. And then they go and write something like this:
Over the years we've been blown away by the love one particular blog has shown for these recordings - so even though there's nothing new for 2017 (but we promise there will be next year!) we'd like to dedicate this collection to the wonderful Stubby's House Of Christmas. Thanks for the love!
They didn't have to do that. And I assure you that I am more blown away by the beauty of your music than my blog could ever convey. If, for some reason, you've missed out on Captives On The Carousel's Christmas tunes up to now, here's your chance to get them all in one handy (name-your-price) download.

When the Nottingham group Lorna released "The Stars of Winnetka" last year, I felt they'd tied a nice bow on their wonderful Christmas atmospheric "experience". But, no, the rat bastards (I say with affection) have released an entirely new Christmas set this year, "A Christmas Carol". This one's a concept piece featuring the narration of Steve Oliver. I haven't delved in full, as yet, but I believe in the power of synchronicity. And the button I hit at Bandcamp was for "The Great Light" and this is why I love Lorna.
The band would like to sell enough to make a physical product reasonable and you can explore "A Christmas Carol" more via Bandcamp.
"Ho! Ho! Ho! Canada 9" is out. 18 great indie tracks including my personal favorite from Cascade Falls, "Another Year (Santa's Tired)". Grab the whole thing HERE for free. |

Noisetrade's annual Holiday Mixtape is always a bit of a mixed bag, featuring both old and new. This year's set includes stellar outings like Nikki Lane's "FaLaLaLaLove Ya", Ha Ha Tonka's "The List", and the Dollyrots' take on "Last Christmas". You'll need a free account to download, but its worth that tiny bit of effort.

And, finally, a note that, while it hasn't been posted yet, the 2017 edition of Cigar Box Nation Christmas is coming and, with any luck, will be available later today. In the meantime, feel free to download any of the past editions you may have missed HERE and HERE.